Modernisation of coal heating plant in Skarżysko-Kamienna
As members of the consortium, we provided all the required components and performed all the assembly work necessary to assemble and run “4.8 MW alternative fuel heating plant in Skarżysko-Kamienna” according to the construction and execution project received. The heating plant was connected to the existing heating network of the city of Skarżysko-Kamienna, replacing 4.9 MW of thermal energy (the carrier of which is hot domestic water) previously produced from hard coal by energy generated from the so-called alternative fuel, i.e. waste of the code 19 12 10. The new heat plant was built on the premises of the existing heating plant of Skarżysko-Kamienna at 11 listopada St.. The design of the heating plant takes advantage of gasification technology. Hot exhaust gases obtained after burning the gas generated during gasification of the fuel are the heat carrier that is collected by the waste water boiler.
Our tasks included:
- Construction of a reception hall, unloading and transporting fuel to the gasification chamber.
- Delivery and assembly and commissioning of the gasification chamber with the fuel dispensing system, service platforms, fans, fittings and auxiliary equipment.Dostarczenie oraz montaż i uruchomienie komory spalania wraz z palnikiem stabilizującym na gaz ziemny, układem wirowego wlotu gazu oraz powietrza, odpowiednimi wentylatorami, podestami obsługowymi, armaturą i urządzeniami pomocniczymi.
- Delivery and installation of the combustion chamber together with a natural gas stabilizing burner, a gas inlet and air inlet system, appropriate fans, service platforms, fittings and auxiliary devices.
- Delivery and installation of a recovery water boiler, integrated with the existing heat network along with the required equipment, piping and control system.
- Delivery, assembly and commissioning of the dedusting, desulphurisation and dechlorination system, including lime silo, lime feeding system, control system and other side devices.
- Filter protection system. Modules are provided, consisting of a set of candle inserts filled with active carbon with suitably selected parameters. The delivery will take place with the necessary fittings, piping, valves and control system.
- Control and automation system controlling the operation of the heating plant, including all required devices and controllers.
- Continuous exhaust monitoring system with all required devices that meets the requirements of relevant legal regulations.
- A complete set of pipelines connecting all components of the installation together with appropriate support structures.
- Delivery and assembly of all elements and devices required to perform branch installations.

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