Technical expertise and flue gas treatment installation in Łynia
At the request of the Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant “Łyna” in Olsztyn, we completed two projects. The first of these consisted in the development of technical expertise for the task “Line and furnace for burning of sewage sludge” in the facility of the dryer and sludge incineration plant.
As part of the cooperation, we have developed:
- documentation analysis with particular reference to the installation’s work history, project balance and expert data
- measurements made on the installation
- mass and energy balance of the installation
- an offer of actions based on measurements, calculations and inspections
- technical analysis of the process of improving the furnace and combustion lines with an indication of the risks and actions guaranteeing the proper operation of ITPO
- a list of costs of delivery, assembly and modernization of the furnace for thermal sludge utilization
The second project related to the “Łyna” plant, which we conducted, was the design and assembly of technological devices to reduce exhaust emissions while maintaining emission standards and legal provisions regarding waste and the required operating parameters of the combustion process.

Our knowledge and experience are appreciated
by our clients and partners,
as evidenced by numerous references.