ISON Bydgoszcz
The investment assumes modernization of the installation. The completion of modernization is planned for 2020.

Waste thermal treatment plant in Ciechanów
As our contribution to this project, we have completed a concept for the construction of a waste incineration plant with a capacity of approximately 40,000 tonnes of RDF per year. The installation supplies heat to the municipal heating network and was completed by entirely private entities.
Waste thermal treatment plant in Mława
We have completed a concept of construction of the waste incineration plant with the capacity of approximately 40,000 tonnes of RDF per year. It provides heat to the municipal heating network and has been entirely implemented by private entities.
Waste thermal treatment plant in Rzeszów
In Rzeszów, we provided complex technical support by the process of waste incineration plant construction. Our duties included:
- reviewing the technical documentation
- verification and audit of facilities due to security procedures
- CE marking
- verification of available documentation
Waste thermal treatment plant in Szczecin
In Szczecin, we provided complex technical support by the process of waste incineration plant construction. Our duties comprised of:
- performing the HAZOP analysis
- reviewing the technical documentation
- verification and audit of facilities due to security procedures
- CE marking
- verification of the available documentation
Kraków Szybki Tramwaj
For this investment, we have prepared a concept for implementing the project in the PPP formula. We carried out an organizational and formal concept for implementing this type of project in the PPP formula, although we did not prepare a technical concept. The investment consists in the construction of a tram line of approx. 4.5 km in length, which includes an over-500-meter tunnel, inside of which two tram stops are located. It is a large investment due to its complexity – the tunnel was designed under numerous roads. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to expand the Krakow tram network, as the stretch being built will connect two areas, between which the passage was problematic and cumbersome.
MPEC Olsztyn
Construction of a heat-and-oil-fired CHP (Combined Heat and Power) plant in Olsztyn (MPEC) – the project assumes the construction of an installation with the capacity of 100,000 Mg of waste. The plant will produce electricity and heat in the cogeneration process.
- przygotowanie wsadu technologicznego do dokumentacji przetargowej na budowę spalarni
- czynny udział w koordynacji tworzenia dokumentacji przetargowej jako całości
- przygotowanie i weryfikacja taryfy dla ciepła
- prowadzenie procedury zatwierdzenia wniosków taryfowych przed Urzędem Regulacji Energetyki
MPO Warszawa
As our contribution to the project, our tasks consisted of:
- preparation of technological input for tender dossier for the construction of an incineration plant
- active participation in the coordination of the creation of tender dossier in its entirety
- preparation and verification of the heat tariff
- preparation of documentation for obtaining a licence for the production of heat and electricity at various stages of the investment
- conducting the procedure of approval of tariff applications before the Energy Regulatory Office
OPEC Grudziądz
The investment consists in the construction of the exhaust gas treatment installation (desulphurisation and denitrification) – completion of the project is scheduled for 2020.
PCE Gdańsk
The project consists in the construction of an installation with a yearly capacity of approximately 100,000 Mg of waste. The plant will produce electricity and heat in the cogeneration process.
We have carried out an initial Feasibility Study on adapting the existing coal-based installation part to the BAT requirements and building a new generation source based on gas turbines.
PEC Siedle
In this project, we completed the preliminary Feasibility Study on the possibility of building a new heat source burning alternative fuel with the yearly capacity of about 20,000 Mg RDF.
PGE Kielce
As part of the work on the project, we have conducted a feasibility study for the installation of the currently existing coal-fired CHP (Combined Heat and Power) plant and the construction of a new source based on two gas turbines.
ZTPOK Bydgoszcz
The plant’s capacity amounts to 180,000 Mg of processed waste per year. The plant produces electricity and heat in the cogeneration process. We have completed a service of technical support in the scope of exploitation of ZTPOK.
ITPOK Poznań
At the time of its completion, it was the largest PPP project implemented in Poland – the value of the investment amounted to approximately PLN 600-700 million, not including the twenty-year operation period of the plant. The incinerator is the second in terms of efficiency (in tonnes of processed waste per year) of this type of plant in Poland. Our participation in the project comprised of:
- preparation of the entire tender dossier along with legal and financial advice
- participation in the technical dialogue in the PPP formula
- evaluation of offers
- monitoring of investments during construction and the first two years of operation
- preparation and verification of the heat tariff
- preparation of the documentation for obtaining a licence for the production of heat and electricity at various stages of the project
- support for other entities in the preparation of tariff applications for heat
- conducting the procedure of approval of tariff applications before the Energy Regulatory Office
- verification of the technical documentation
- verification of the reports provided by the operator
- verification of the financial documents, invoices and settlements
- periodic monitoring of the incineration plant
- verification of the technical and financial documents submitted by a private entity

Our knowledge and experience are appreciatedby our clients and partners,as evidenced by numerous references.