Areas of expertise
Our mission
Management team:
In 2009, we launched the first in Europe industrial technological system equipped with a feathers gasification reactor. The poultry processing facility, which delivers the feathers for treatment, disposes waste at the same time and receives a flammable gas obtained in the reactor, that is further used for steam generation for technological purposes. The feathers gasification system contributed to awarding Qenergy with “Akcelerator Zielonych Technologii GREENEVO” programme prize by Polish Ministry of the Environment. The installation has been working continuously since its launch in 2009, fulfilling all environmental regulations.
In 2010, in order to address the expectations of the clients from thermal waste treatment facilities, Consulting Department was created in Qenergy. With the growth of the company, we have been gaining experience and competences. Currently, Qenergy provides technical consulting services for the largest Polish thermal municipal waste treatment facilities on a regular basis.
In 2011, Qenergy, along with the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences, in the framework of a programme subsidised from the funds of The National Centre of Research and Development strategic programme “Zaawansowane technologie pozyskiwania energii” (Advanced energy sourcing technologies), designed and carried out an implementation plan for modernising of a wood gasification reactor and flue gas aftertreatment system allowing a piston engine to run when fuelled by the obtained syngas.
In 2016, Qenergy designed a prototype of sewage sediment incineration system in Qenergy’s original boiler equipped with a furnace, whose construction was based on stepped grate technology. Trials carried out on the installation confirmed that the performance of the system is in accordance to the actual regulations.
Since 2018, Qenergy, in consortium with Celsium Sp. z o.o., has been working on “ZMIERZ” project, which aims at designing and constructing an integrated denitrification and desulphurization system for coal boiler of 30MW power. The solution that is being developed in the framework of the project is aimed to be a response to the market need for adapting boiler of that type to the new requirements regarding Sox, NOx and particulate matter emissions (Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 on industrial emissions).